Welcome to Equi-librium
Welcome to Equi-librium
Equi-librium offers adults and children education in horseback riding, horse training, and management. The program has been operated for over 25 years by Dorothy Crosby, who is certified as an instructor by both Centered Riding Inc. (CR) and the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA). Dorothy is currently a Level III Centered Riding Instructor and Clinician. With CHA, Dorothy is certified Level III for English (including jumping) instruction, as well as for Western riding. A long time 4-H leader, Dorothy no longer hosts a 4-H Club, but is still available as a screened volunteer to assist clubs as needed. She has earned her 4-H New England Judges card. Dorothy has over 50 years of equine experience with over 40 years teaching students.
Equi-librium welcomes riders of all levels, abilities and disciplines! Mounted and unmounted lessons, clinics, and workshops are available on a variety of topics. New students are welcome at Southmowing Stables or another location of your choice.
Dorothy is the Program Director of Southmowing Stables and its Riding Program in Guilford, VT, where she teaches lessons and offers clinics and workshops . All lessons and programs are available at Southmowing, and there are other certified Centered Riding Instructors available there, too. Visit the Southmowing Stables website to learn more. www.southmowing.com
Visitors are always welcome! Come visit and talk with us and learn for yourself how Centered Riding can benefit you and your equine companion. We suggest you call ahead to be sure someone will be available to chat and show you around.
Dorothy travels to other farms to offer lessons, clinics and unmounted workshops on a regular basis. There are many options for connecting with her at your barn or another convenient location.
Dorothy also offers myo-fascial release work on horses and is certified through Conformation Balancing, a technique designed over many years by Margret Henkels. Fascia is the connective tissue that encloses, attaches, and stabilizes internal organs, muscles, and cells. It is an internet-like web of tissue that is self-directing and has memory, enabling it to both connect and impact each part of the body in relation to the other parts as well as independently. The tension, strain, and pain of physical and emotional trauma can be released through freeing the fascia throughout the body. Through the conscientious placement of the practitioners hands on key areas of the horse's body, the "melting" of fascia can release the parts that are "stuck" and bring changes to the physical and mental well-being of the horse.
Horses wanting fascia release work are welcome to visit Dorothy at Southmowing or have Dorothy come to their barn. Dorothy and Margret Henkels have put together a workshop called "Soft Riders/Soft Horses". The focus is on bodywork and softness for both horse and rider using Centered Riding and Conformation Balancing as the springboards for soft, positive change and movement.
Dorothy is also certified with MagnaWave and offers pemf (pulsed electro-magnetic field) sessions for horses, humans, and small animals! Pemf works at the cellular level to increase oxygen, decrease inflammation, and promote healing. Often scheduled for wellness or pain management, pemf has many benefits for overall health and well-being.
Dorothy loves how these modalities create positive change for those on the receiving end! On horses, she often combines them for mixed sessions and optimum results; that is entirely up to you!
Centered Riding utilizes classical principles to create a mutually cooperative and interdependent relationship between horse and rider. By facilitating the way human and equine anatomy work together to best compliment one another, Centered Riding cultivates effective communication, balance, and confidence while eliminating tension and fear. Through the use of imagery and learning "use of self" riders can increase their awarenesss; horse and rider are able to enhance movement and achieve positive, relaxed riding.
As another cold season begins, riding will be sporadic for some, a determined effort for others, and non-existent for those who can't bear the cold! Still, we do care for our beloved horses and during those times we can do short spurts of in-hand work or have grooming times to maintain their overall health, condition and even some level of fitness. Don't forget to regularly check under blankets for any developing issues that might need to be addressed. Take a deep breath and center yourself before asking your equine partner to participate in any type of activity. Use those soft eyes which are so giving and relaxed and communicate so much. Balance yourself in a positive alignment and enjoy the connection that occurs!
Every morning when I put my horses out I share a short - 30 seconds? - routine with them that connects us and helps me touch base with each of them, especially those with physical stiffness or other body issues. I ask them to move something for me - a shoulder, their hindquarters, even do a leg yield - in sync with my hand aid. This helps keep their flexibility and shows me daily where they might be "stuck" that day. Also, it reinforces the partnership and even helps them stretch and learn something new, or do something difficult for them, like crossing over. They look forward to it - and to the treat that generally rewards the try - and we share a few moments that get our day off to a good start.
I wish for you and your horses a great time of bonding and teamwork, regardless of the season.
And do stay warm, whatever that takes for you!
Sally Swift truly was a gifted woman and her goal of "helping horses" has continued to help horses of all types - and their riders - over and over again. As always, we will continue to explore how the 4 Basics: Centering, Building Blocks, Soft Eyes, and Breathing affect our riding and communication with our horses. And we will also explore following hands, comparable parts, and more. So do join us if you are able!
For more information on Centered Riding visit the official site of Centered Riding
For more information on the Certified Horsemanship Association visit CHA's webpage.
"You [Dorothy Crosby] are a natural teacher and you set high standards for yourself and others! Well Done!" ~CHA clinic instructor
We love our customers, so feel free to call Mon-Sat 8AM-8PM
Sunday by appointment only
Open today | 08:00 am – 08:00 pm |